Monday, September 30, 2013

2013 Color Fest & Fall Color Update

Fall color is finally starting.  Some species of trees turn first.  Dogwood trees are now showing some red, but they are far from peak. Yesterday driving around we saw some hickories that were turning.

If you are a fall color fan it is time to plan your visit. I would say the timing for peak color this year will be mid-October or so. Color change is never uniform. Fall color will vary according to location around here so we have a fairly long color season.

I like both early fall color in mid-transition green to full color, and late fall color when some leaves fall and tree trunks become visible adding "lines" to the colorful leaves.  My favorite shots are river landscapes with reflecting pools and rock.  Landscape photography is the perfect complement to elk photography when you visit.

Buffalo National River Landcape
Buffalo National River Landscape Near Ponca

You will want to visit the 2013 Color Fest in Ponca on October 18-19 put on by the Ponca Elk Education Center.  This is a great event with an art fair and demonstrations.  Peak fall color should coincide with the 2013 event. See the brochure below, click it to enlarge.

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